BOOK PRESENTATION: Sociology of Cinema

Thessaloniki Cinema Museum
Takis Kanellopoulos Theate

Aigokeros Publications present the third revised and enriched edition of Nikos Kolovos’ book Sociology of Cinema, edited with a foreword and an epilogue by film critic and Vice President of the Panhellenic Union of Film Critics, Christos Skyllakos, along with an
introduction by Dimitris Kechris, PhD candidate in Film Theory and History. Kolovos’ study examines the social, economic and ideological aspects of cinematic art and industry, covering a field that was absent in the Greek bibliography. Through an accessible scientific discourse, the study provides the reader the means for understanding and appreciating cinema’s functions as well as its role in modern times. Speakers: Christos Skyllakos, Betty Kaklamanidou (Professor of Film & Television History & Theory, School of Film, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Dimitris Kerkinos (Dr. of Social Anthropology, Programmer in the Thessaloniki International Film Festival/Documentary Festival), Iphigenia Kalantzi (Film Theorist & Critic).