Festival tickets are issued ONLINE at and Ticket price: €5


Ticket Regulations
No admission once the screening has started.
A printed or digital ticket with the barcode clearly visible must be presented on entry.
Lost tickets will not be replaced.
Seats are not numbered.
€5 tickets can be refunded up to the day before the screening. More information on the refund process is available at


€35 Ticket Package for 10 Screenings
The ticket package is available exclusively online and is exchanged for 10 tickets. Applies exclusively to physical screenings. Does not apply to online screenings.
A zero-value online ticket is required for entry. Tickets issued using screening vouchers are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. The package cannot be used for opening / closing ceremonies and special screenings.
More information on purchasing and using the ticket package is available at


Tickets to Kids/Teens Love Cinema Screenings cost €3.


XR / Immersive
Ticket price: €3 for each screening, €14 package for all screenings.
Screenings take place daily from 13:00 to 21:00 throughout the duration of the Festival. Tickets for the Immersive screenings can be purchased exclusively at the screenings space.
Screenings are in English or with English subtitles. Accreditations and screening invitations apply.


Accredited guests have free entrance to screenings. A zero-value online ticket must be issued using the accreditation code. The ticket and accreditation card must be presented on entry to the screening. Tickets issued with an accreditation card are strictly personal, non-refundable and non-exchangeable.


To use a festival invitation, you must issue a zero-value online ticket. Tickets are issued exclusively online using the code on the invitation. Tickets issued with an invitation are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. More information on redeeming your invitation is available at


Matinée Screenings
The Thessaloniki International Film Festival in collaboration with Aegean Airlines offers free tickets to Festival screenings starting up to 15:30, to students, the unemployed, parents of large families, and persons with disabilities. Applicants will receive a free package of five (5) tickets on presentation of the appropriate documentation (Greek academic ID or ISIC card / recent unemployment certificate valid for 30 days from date of issue or proof of unemployment renewal or digital unemployment card / large family status card / police ID card / Thessaloniki Urban Transport Organization disability card or Civil Disabled Persons Travel Card or certificate issued by KEPA Disability Certification Center / ASYE / ANYE / AAYE Armed Forces Health Committees or disability parking card or digital disability card). Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
The free package of five (5) tickets is exclusively issued by ticket office 1 at the Olympion.
A zero-value ticket must be issued online for each screening.


We are available online every day to answer any questions on live chat.



The venues Olympion, Pavlos Zannas, Tonia Marketaki, Frida Liappa, John Cassavetes and Stavros Tornes are accessible by disabled persons. For yet another year, the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, with the support of Alpha Bank have ensured full access conditions to the festival. Interventions on the built environment and one fully accessible film screening featuring audio description and SDH subtitles, aim to facilitate equal access to cinema for all.



The Festival’s ONLINE screenings are available through the website

Create an account if you don’t already have one, by selecting “Create account” located top right.
Fill in your name, email and passcode. You can now watch the films that are available!

Find the movie that you are interested in through search or through the lists in every section of the main menu. Every movie will be available for a limited number of screenings.

You can purchase your ticket for all screenings before the Festival starts, but you can watch each film only on the day(s) it is screened online!

When you select a film to watch, the ticket price (€4) is shown, and you can enter your credit or debit card info in order to complete the purchase. You will receive confirmation of payment via email.

On the screening day, each movie is available from 10:00 a.m.

Press “Play Now” to start the screening. From that moment onwards, you have 24 hours to watch the film.

In case you don’t complete the viewing within 24 hours, your ticket expires.

Stay tuned daily to check the availability of the festival movies.

We will be at your disposal daily through live chat, to answer your questions.

* Tickets to online screenings cannot be exchanged, returned or cancelled.