The research pertains to the period August 2020-July 2021 on focuses on how festivals made use of different viewing patterns: physical presence, where festivals are held in physical spaces, hybrid festival, which combine physical presence and online viewing, and online, where festivals films are screened exclusively online. The number of festivals surveyed is 13, while research data includes, among others, 12 interviews with artistic directors, general managers and project leaders. More specifically, the film festivals that participated were the following: Cannes, Berlinale, Venice, San Sebastián, Zurich, Karlovy Vary, BFI of London, Rotterdam, Thessaloniki, Gothenburg, Ghent, Les Arcs and Dublin. The research was supported by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, the research project CONEX-Plus of the Carlos III University of Madrid, as well as the Berlin Senate.


Τhe presentation of the research on "Pan-European Film Festivals in Transition? Covid and beyond” was held within the framework of the Agora Talks of the 62nd Thessaloniki International Film Festival (November).


Former calls



When is the festival?
The festival is held from March 10 to March 20.


Where can I find the screening schedule of the online festival?
The screening schedule of the online festival is available at


How much does the ticket for the online screenings cost?

The ticket costs €3 per film. For more information about the regulations of the festival tickets, please visit


When does the presale of tickets start?

You can pre-book your tickets for the online screenings on the 22nd of June 2021 at  We remind you that you can purchase your tickets for a screening any day, but you can watch the film only the day of its online screening.


Which is the platform for the online screenings?

The films are available at Creating an account at the website is required.


How do I register on the platform?

For your registration on the platform, visit the following link, fill in the form and select “Submit”.


How do I sign into the platform?

To sign into the platform, select the following link, fill in your email and your password and select “Submit”.


What to do if I forget my password?

In case you forget your password, select the following link, fill in your email, which you used for your registration in the online platform and press “Reset”. You will receive an email, which includes instructions on how to change your password.


How much time do I have to complete the screening?

From the moment you press “Play Now”, you have 24 hours to complete the screening. In case you do not finish watching the film within 24 hours, the ticket expires.


How can enable the subtitles?

To enable the subtitles for the film, press play to watch the film and then click on the CC button, which is on the right side of the screen. From there, you can select one of the three options; Off: without subtitles, Greek: for Greek subtitles and English: for English subtitles.


What does the indication Sold Out mean?

If there is an indication “Sold Out” on a film, it means that there are no available tickets for this specific film.


Can anyone living abroad watch the online Festival?

The films are available for audience and users located in Greece. The Thessaloniki International Film Festival is using geo-blocking technologies for the online events, to protect the films and the festival.


How can I redeem my invitation to watch an online film?

To redeem an invitation, select “Watch Film” after selecting the film you'd like to watch. Then, on the payment section tick the box “Promo Code”, fill in the code of the invitation and press “Apply”. The film is now available on your account. In case your code is not accepted, please make sure your invitation is for the online screenings and not for the screenings at the open-air cinemas.


How can I return my ticket for the online screenings?

The tickets for the online screenings are non-refundable and cannot be cancelled.


How can I vote for the audience awards?

After the screening, you can vote for the film you just watched at You will need the unique code, which you will find at the Bonus Content section at the film’s page.


When is the live chat available?

We are available on LiveChat at, from 10:00 AM to midnight.

The "e21" app is a free application which contains 24 paintings by folk painters Panayiotis and Dimitris Zografos commissioned by General Makriyannis. These paintings were transformed into three dimensional, augmented reality works. 
The camera use is intended for displaying the user's surrounding environment within the app only. The app does not register, record, stream or broadcast any images. The permission to use position location refers only to the calculation of the device's distance from the three dimensional works and their display on specific locations in Greece

The application does not acquire any private information or personal data from the user's device. 

* Every film is available for a limited number of viewings exclusively destined for users residing in Greece.
* Tickets for online screenings cannot be returned of cancelled.

The new application of the Thessaloniki Film Festival for mobiles and tablets

Live the experience of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, find out the latest news on its activities and discover filmmakers, films and moments from world cinema through the Festival’s new, user-friendly application ThessFest, which was created with the support of the ministry of Culture and Sports.

The application is available for free, in two languages (Greek, English) and is designed for mobiles and tablets. It is available for Android phones and for iOS operating system.

ThessFest is updated steadily with all the events and the program of the Thessaloniki Film Festival.

The app features information on the films, the screening program, the events, as well as practical information, news and updates.

With the Festival app ThessFest you can buy tickets from your mobile phone, wherever you are. Easy, fast, with safety.

The app offers news on the Thessaloniki Film Festival and the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival and on the rich annual activity of the organization that includes screenings, discussions, tributes and educational programs. Stay posted on the events at the Thessaloniki Cinema Museum and the Thessaloniki Cinematheque, also part of the Festival.

Thessaloniki International Film Festival, having as a priority the safety of the audience and of its employees, implements all officially indicated health measures to ensure a safe cinematic experience.








Technical Tips

Films can only be screened on computers running on Microsoft Windows or MacOS operating systems.
In case you encounter any issues during the online viewing, of a film, from the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival:

Also, depending on the speed of your connection (bitrate), you can change the image resolution of the film being screened; to better suit the conditions of your home connection — After viewing commences, click on AUTO, at the bottom right corner of the screened image, and select 576p, 720p or 1080p, depending on the speed of your connection.

Finally, try not to move your arrow cursor back and forth during viewing, so that the movie does not get stuck.

If you have a Chromecast compatible TV, start the film and click on the Chromecast icon near the bottom of the screen. Select the Chromecast compatible device in your network and enjoy the screening!

Competition “Shoot at Home!” for creating a short film (for children aged 6-13)

Create your own short film!

Write the script: Get inspired by everything around you -except people: objects, furniture, clothes, toys, pets, all the things that are part of your everyday life while we Stay Home and create your story. Think of what the wise scriptwriters say: Who, when, where, how and why? How does the story start? What is the title? What are the surprises and plot twists that conclude the storyline? And, eventually, how does the story end?

Find your gear: Choose between a cell-phone, a tablet, a laptop, a camera, whatever suits you.

Do location scouting: Explore every inch of your house, your balcony, your garden, your veranda and find the locations that seem better for shooting.

Choose your shot: Open the lens and choose the distance you prefer. Do you want the whole object to appear (general shot), half of it (medium shot) or just a detail (close-up)?






Competition “Write at Home” for writing a story in a script form
(for adolescents, aged 14-18)

Stimulate your imagination and write a story that could be the script for a short fiction film.

Choose your subject: You can choose between two subjects: “Incredible days” (what incredible days means for you, what could happen during an incredible day, what would you choose to happen) or “Growing up” (what it means to grow up, to mature, what changes for myself, what stays the same).

Talk about things that matter: Narrate stories, emotions, situations, describe people, places, objects in an experiential way. Express your inner world, be bold in your creative expression!

Familiarize yourself with narrative structures and script techniques: In order to help you understand better the cinematic tools, the Festival will organize a short seminar, which will take place online in the next few days.

Soon, more information regarding the competitions, the seminar and the regulations of the competition will be available on the website of the Festival, and on the social media of the organization.