Balkan Survey

Total: Found results.

03 November 2017
13:30 The Invisible Hand of Adam Smith | Nevidna roka adama smitha STAVROS TORNES 063
13:30 Cumulonimbus | Cumulonimbus STAVROS TORNES 063
13:30 A Handful of Stones | Kamen U Ruci STAVROS TORNES 063
13:30 Into the Blue | U Plavetnilo STAVROS TORNES 063
13:30 Red Light | Na Cherveno STAVROS TORNES 063
15:30 The Professional | Profesionalac STAVROS TORNES 064
18:00 The Miner | Rudar STAVROS TORNES 065
20:30 Ana, mon amour | Ana, mon amour STAVROS TORNES 066
23:15 Requiem for Mrs. J | Rekvijem za gospodju J STAVROS TORNES 067
04 November 2017
12:45 The Moromete Family | Moromeții STAVROS TORNES 162
15:30 The Birch Tree | Breza STAVROS TORNES 164
18:00 A Brief Excursion | Kratki Izlet STAVROS TORNES 165
20:30 The Miner | Rudar STAVROS TORNES 166
23:00 Dry Summer | Susuz Yaz STAVROS TORNES 167
05 November 2017
13:30 The Goat Horn | Koziat Rog STAVROS TORNES 263
18:00 A Brief Excursion | Kratki Izlet STAVROS TORNES 265
20:30 Grain | Buğday STAVROS TORNES 266
23:00 Stone Wedding | Nunta de piatră STAVROS TORNES 267
06 November 2017
13:30 The Peach Thief | Kradetzat na praskovi STAVROS TORNES 363
15:30 Cumulonimbus | Cumulonimbus STAVROS TORNES 364
15:30 A Handful of Stones | Kamen U Ruci STAVROS TORNES 364
15:30 Into the Blue | U Plavetnilo STAVROS TORNES 364
15:30 Red Light | Na Cherveno STAVROS TORNES 364
15:30 The Invisible Hand of Adam Smith | Nevidna roka adama smitha STAVROS TORNES 364
17:45 Charleston | Charleston STAVROS TORNES 365
20:30 Grain | Buğday STAVROS TORNES 366
23:30 The Birch Tree | Breza STAVROS TORNES 367
07 November 2017
13:30 The Professional | Profesionalac STAVROS TORNES 463
18:00 Zer | Zer STAVROS TORNES 465
20:30 Charleston | Charleston STAVROS TORNES 466
23:00 Dance in the Rain | Ples v dežju STAVROS TORNES 467
08 November 2017
13:30 Three | Tri STAVROS TORNES 563
15:45 The Return of the Dead Army | Kthimi i ushtrisë së vdekur STAVROS TORNES 564
18:00 Requiem for Mrs. J | Rekvijem za gospodju J STAVROS TORNES 565
20:00 The Professional | Profesionalac CHRISTOS TSAKIRIS ---
20:30 Zer | Zer STAVROS TORNES 566
23:15 3/4 | 3/4 STAVROS TORNES 567
09 November 2017
13:30 Dry Summer | Susuz Yaz STAVROS TORNES 663
18:00 3/4 | 3/4 STAVROS TORNES 665
20:30 Secret Ingredient | Iscelitel STAVROS TORNES 666
23:00 Three | Tri STAVROS TORNES 667
10 November 2017
13:30 Dance in the Rain | Ples v dežju STAVROS TORNES 763
18:15 The Return of the Dead Army | Kthimi i ushtrisë së vdekur STAVROS TORNES 765
20:30 Secret Ingredient | Iscelitel STAVROS TORNES 766
23:00 Soldiers. Story from Ferentari | Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari STAVROS TORNES 767
11 November 2017
13:30 Stone Wedding | Nunta de piatră STAVROS TORNES 863
18:00 Soldiers. Story from Ferentari | Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari STAVROS TORNES 865
20:30 The Goat Horn | Koziat Rog STAVROS TORNES 866
23:00 Innocence of Memories | Innocence of Memories STAVROS TORNES 867
12 November 2017
12:30 The Moromete Family | Moromeții STAVROS TORNES 962
18:00 The Peach Thief | Kradetzat na praskovi STAVROS TORNES 965
20:30 Innocence of Memories | Innocence of Memories STAVROS TORNES 966