18th TDF Call for Entries
The TDF - Thessaloniki Documentary Festival “Images of the 21st Century” is an international Festival of films and videos, taking place annually in the month of March in Thessaloniki, Greece.
To introduce and promote the most important documentary productions worldwide and to create an international forum for the presentations and discussion of emerging media and information technologies.
The TDF is organized under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture and is administered by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival.
The main offices of the TDF are located jointly in Thessaloniki and Athens.
The 18th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival will be held in Thessaloniki from March 11th to 20th, 2016
On Line Entry- submission fee: 20 euros
All entry submissions must be made online through the link found on the Festival’s official page (www.filmfestival.gr).
TDF must receive an on-line screener or DVD, a completed entry form and payment of a 20-euro entry fee.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: After the submission of your film you will receive notice within 5 working days in order to proceed with the payment and complete the entry.
Should you wish to send a DVD instead of an online link, you must send 2 DVDs along with a print-out of the complete entry form to:
Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - “Images of the 21st Century”
7 Dion. Areopagitou str., 117 42- Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 8706000, +30 210 8706016, Fax: +30 210 6451174
Submission Deadlines
First deadline: September 4th 2015 for films completed between November 2014 and June 2015.
Second final deadline: November 27th for films completed between July 2015 and November 2015.
Film Selection
1) Entrants whose films have been selected will be notified soon after the selection.
2) English subtitled prints must be provided for all films selected.
3) Prints of selected films must be accompanied by one DVD copy following the exact runtime and subtitles of the screening version (for screening safety reasons) and they should reach the Festival Offices by February 2nd, 2016.
- Films participating in the Festival’s main program must be recent productions of the past 18 months preceding the festival’s dates and not previously shown or been released in Greece.
- All films participating can be DCP, 35mm, Beta tape (Digital Beta and Beta SP) and/or HD Cam.
- There is no limit in running time.
- The Festival decides and is responsible for the screening schedule of the film (day and hour) during the Festival’s period.
- The Festival has the right to reject any material which does not further the character and objectives of its program.
4) Participation in the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival implies acceptance of the above regulations.
Postal / Shipping Expenses of selected films
1) The Festival organization will be liable for insuring the film, from the moment of its arrival at the Festival until its return by carrier.
2) Cost of shipping expenses will be shared among the Festival and the producer.
3) Should a copy be damaged, claims should arrive at the Festival Office no later than one month after the film has been received by the producer and two months after the end of the Festival.
4) The Festival’s liability in case of whole or partial damage of a print during the Festival cannot exceed the value of $300 USD.