Open Horizons

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02 March 2023
19:00 Austral | Austral FRIDA LIAPPA
19:00 La Singla | La Singla OLYMPION
20:00 Aurora’s Sunrise STAVROS TORNES
21:00 Cesária Évora | Cesária Évora PAVLOS ZANNAS
03 March 2023
14:00 When Spring Came to Bucha | Leben nach Butscha – Trauma und Hoffnung OLYMPION
16:00 The Dive | La Picada FRIDA LIAPPA
16:30 The Longest Goodbye | The Longest Goodbye STAVROS TORNES
16:45 It’s Only Life After All | It's Only Life After All OLYMPION
18:00 Journey through Our World | Reis door onze wereld PAVLOS ZANNAS
18:30 Obsessive Hours at the Topos of Reality | Έμμονες Ώρες στον Τόπο της Πραγματικότητας JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 The Artist and The Wall of Death | The Artist and The Wall of Death FRIDA LIAPPA
20:00 Call Me Mule | Call Me Mule TONIA MARKETAKI
22:00 30 Years of Excuses | 30 Lat Wymówek FRIDA LIAPPA
22:30 Anhell69 | Anhell69 STAVROS TORNES
04 March 2023
14:00 La Singla | La Singla PAVLOS ZANNAS
17:00 Moderat: The Last Days | Moderat: The Last Days TONIA MARKETAKI
17:00 And, Towards Happy Alleys STAVROS TORNES
17:00 Will You Look At Me | Dang wo wang xiang ni de shi hou TONIA MARKETAKI
17:00 Call Me Mommy | Call Me Mommy TONIA MARKETAKI
18:00 Searching for Rodakis | Searching for Rodakis FRIDA LIAPPA
18:30 Roofless Dreams | Roofless Dreams JOHN CASSAVETES
20:30 Blue ID | Mavi Kimlik FRIDA LIAPPA
20:45 The Laughing Boy | An Buachaill Gealgháireaching Boy PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:00 Mykonian Pastoral | Mykonian Pastoral JOHN CASSAVETES
22:30 Between Revolutions | Între revoluții STAVROS TORNES
05 March 2023
11:30 Fledglings | Pisklaki OLYMPION
14:00 Polish Prayers | Polish Prayers TONIA MARKETAKI
16:00 American: An Odyssey to 1947 | American: An Odyssey to 1947 FRIDA LIAPPA
17:00 Liturgy of Anti-Tank Obstacles | Liturhiya protytankovyx pereshkod TONIA MARKETAKI
17:00 Inside Kabul | Inside Kabul TONIA MARKETAKI
18:00 Eren | Eren PAVLOS ZANNAS
18:30 Kristos, The Last Child | Kristos, The Last Child JOHN CASSAVETES
19:30 Food and Country | Food and Country STAVROS TORNES
21:30 The House with the Pomegranates | Το σπίτι με τις ροδιές JOHN CASSAVETES
21:30 Our Past Words Still Stand | Όσα είπαμε παλιά ισχύουν JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Monica in the South Seas | Monica in the South Seas FRIDA LIAPPA
22:30 And the king said, what a FANTASTIC MACHINE | And the king said, what a FANTASTIC MACHINE STAVROS TORNES
06 March 2023
18:30 A Direction for Thrush | Μια σκηνοθεσία για την Κίχλη JOHN CASSAVETES
18:30 My Father’s Studio | Το φωτογραφείο του μπαμπά μου JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 All You See | Al wat je ziet FRIDA LIAPPA
20:00 The Village of Roses | Rosornas by TONIA MARKETAKI
21:00 Closed Circuit | Bema'agal Sagoor PAVLOS ZANNAS
21:30 Cage Survivor | Cage Survivor JOHN CASSAVETES
22:30 Little Richard: I Am Everything | Little Richard: I Am Everything STAVROS TORNES
07 March 2023
18:30 Mother of the Station | Η Μητέρα του Σταθμού JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 A Steady Job | IL Posto FRIDA LIAPPA
20:00 Always Forgive | Immer verzeihen TONIA MARKETAKI
21:30 Grief – Those Who Remain | Πένθος – Αυτοί που μένουν JOHN CASSAVETES
22:15 Kokomo City | Kokomo City STAVROS TORNES
08 March 2023
16:00 Dream’s Gate | Darvazeye Arezooha FRIDA LIAPPA
17:00 Ithaka – A Fight to Free Julian Assange | Ithaka - A Fight to free Julian Assange TONIA MARKETAKI
18:00 Surrender Your Horns | Surrender Your Horns FRIDA LIAPPA
18:30 A Dance Class | Μαθήματα Χορού JOHN CASSAVETES
20:00 Five Times a Stranger | Πέντε φορές ξένος STAVROS TORNES
21:00 Notes on Displacement | هوامش طاردة FRIDA LIAPPA
21:30 Laughing in Afghanistan | Laughing in Afghanistan JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 My Cut | My Cut TONIA MARKETAKI
22:00 Carrie the Jewel | Carrie The Jewel TONIA MARKETAKI
22:00 Grief | Rouw TONIA MARKETAKI
22:30 Apolonia, Apolonia | Apolonia, Apolonia OLYMPION
22:30 Synthetiki: A Film about Something | Συνθετικοί: Ένα φιλμ για κάτι STAVROS TORNES
09 March 2023
17:00 Mr. Graversen | Mr. Graversen TONIA MARKETAKI
18:30 Everything you say about me | Oti Vakeresa Mange JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Frank Meyer | Frank Meyer FRIDA LIAPPA
21:30 Uprootings | Ξεριζωμένοι JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Renaissance | Renaissance FRIDA LIAPPA
22:00 Soy Niño | Soy Niño FRIDA LIAPPA
22:30 The Castle | El castillo STAVROS TORNES
22:45 My Name is Andrea | My Name is Andrea TONIA MARKETAKI
10 March 2023
17:00 God and Lunaparks Warriors | Bóg I Wojownicy Lunaparków TONIA MARKETAKI
21:00 Meeting Point | Punto de encuentro PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:00 What We Leave Behind | Lo que dejamos atrás TONIA MARKETAKI
11 March 2023
15:00 The Kaiser of Atlantis | El káiser de la Atlántida JOHN CASSAVETES
16:30 Fashion Reimagined | Fashion Reimagined STAVROS TORNES
18:00 We Will Not Fade Away | My ne zhasnemo TONIA MARKETAKI
18:30 The New Home | Η Νέα Πατρίδα JOHN CASSAVETES
21:30 Citizen Miko | More Miko FRIDA LIAPPA
21:30 Prison Blues | Prison Blues JOHN CASSAVETES
21:30 Exit Within | Exit Within JOHN CASSAVETES
22:30 Kim’s Video | Kim's Video STAVROS TORNES
22:30 Music Pictures: New Orleans | Music Pictures: New Orleans OLYMPION
12 March 2023
18:00 Fledglings | Pisklaki PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:00 My Name is Andrea | My Name is Andrea TONIA MARKETAKI