As a Greek tombstone of unknown origin is discovered underneath the floorboards in an old village house in Turkey, an almost forgotten story from the country’s creation unravels; the forced population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923. The engraved Greek letters tell of a woman, Chrysoula Rodaki, who died in 1887. And so the search for her descendants begins: It leads director Kerem Soyyilmaz to local archives, where his own family's role in history is laid bare; to abandoned ghost towns and through the memories of older villagers – all while Soyyilmaz meets massive support for his quest from Greeks on the other side of the border. The stone becomes a portal to the past – and for a while, the trauma becomes redeemed when the previous owners of the village house return. Searching for Rodakis is a movie that reconnects people, culture, and the stories that were discarded in order to build a strong, nationalist state – told through the director's personal experiences. The release also marks the 100-year anniversary of the forced population exchange.
Searching for Rodakis
Searching for Rodakis
25th TiDF: World Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
Available at the Agora Market TiDF25 |
- Direction: Kerem Soyyilmaz
- Cinematography: Andreas Ascanius Lundmark
- Editing: Burak Dal
- Sound: Giulio Conversi
- Music: Andreas Sarantidis, Martin Tenbones, Karayagini
- Production: Baklava Film
- Producers: Susanne Junker, Kerem Soyyilmaz
- Production Design: Mehmet Vargün
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Denmark, Türkiye
- Production Year: 2023
- Duration: 57'
- Contact: Baklava Film
Kerem Soyyilmaz
2009 A Perfect Day (short fiction)
2023 Searching for Rodakis
2023 Searching for Rodakis