WWF Greece Award

The reciprocal relationship between humans and nature is brought to the fore in the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival’s official program, with films that capture the effects of human intervention on the environment and the price paid by humanity. The award is presented by the World Wildlife Fund Greece to the best film of environmental interest. As WWF Greece points out: “Through truths that concern global threats, such as climate change, and through the exploration of our strange relationship with time, the need for and the overexploitation of our natural resources, and the stark contrasts between the natural and urban landscape, the directors merge realism and art to create works that go beyond the ecological documentary.” The members of this year’s WWF jury are: Sissy Gkournelou, communications manager, WWF Greece; Iosifina Grivea, film critic, Podcast/TV host; and Andreas Loukakos, filmmaker.