The world premiere of the film Little Satchmo, directed by John Alexander, took place on Tuesday June 29th, with a screening under the stars, at the pop-up open-air theatre John Cassavetes Open Air, at the Dock A of the Port of Thessaloniki. The private life of the iconic musician Louis Armstrong had a great secret: Louis Armstrong was the father of a daughter, whom he treasured, without ever acknowledging his paternity in public.
For more information please contact Press and Communication Department.
Agora Talks: Film Office-Central Macedonia
Within the framework of the Agora Talks of the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, the Film Office of Central Macedonia hosted the event “Meet the Industry: Open Call” on Tuesday June 29th, at the Pier A of Thessaloniki’s Port. Orestis Andreadakis, the Festival’s artistic director, who thanked all attendees and stressed out the importance of this initiative, preluded the event.
23rd TDF: The Agora Docs awards
The Agora Docs of the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, one of the first film markets in the world that was organized digitally when the pandemic broke out, announced its awards. The Agora Docs continue their initiatives and actions until the end of the Festival.
Kick-off for the Thessaloniki Pitching Forum and the Agora Docs in Progress
More innovative than ever, the Agora Docs of the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, the most important film market in Southeast Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, returns for another dynamic edition. On Monday June 28th, the opening of Thessaloniki Pitching Forum and Agora Docs in Progress took place.
A book for Dimitri Eipides
Dimitri Eipides’ personality and vision, as well as his impact on the world cinema stage are illustrated in the 232 pages of this special bilingual publication. The Thessaloniki Film Festival honours, through this publication, the man who founded the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, who ran the organisation and taught us how to watch cinema with a new set of eyes.