The screening of film “The Land of Milk and Honey”, which was canceled on Friday, July 2, due to weather conditions, will take place today, Saturday July 3, 19:00 o’ clock, at the closed theater John Cassavetes in Warehouse 1 at the Port. The screenings of the films “Sacrilisons” and “Latin Noir”, which were canceled on Friday July 2, due to weather conditions, will take place tonight, Saturday July 3, at 19:30 at the Stavros Tornes closed theater in Warehouse 1 at the Port.
For more information please contact Press and Communication Department.
Agora Talks: The Invisible Visible with Menelaos Karamaghiolis
Every year Agora invites film specialists to share their practices and expertise with the Festival audience. On Thursday July 1st, Menelaos Karamaghiolis delivered a talk under the title “The Invisible Visible: An Innovative Way of Narrating Films and Creatively Engaging with Audiences”, in the context of the Agora Talks.
Agora Talks invites filmmaker and producer Dimitra Kouzi
Every year Agora invites film specialists to share their practices and expertise with the audience of the Festival. On Wednesday June 30th, Dimitra Kouzi delivered a talk bearing the title “The Audience as Inspiration” in the context of the Agora Talks.
Online masterclass with Peter Jäger
Every year Agora invites film specialists to share their practices and expertise with the Festival’s audience. During the online masterclass, supported by EKOME and held on Wednesday June 30th, Peter Jäger reviewed in detail a marketing strategy addressed to documentary producers. Through this strategy you can create marketing tools that would help your documentary acquire a unique yet recognizable identity.
The unique view of brothers Lewie and Noah Kloster in the spotlight at the 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival
The 23rd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival introduces us to an incredible duo of directors: American brothers Lewie and Noah Kloster experiment with animation in a unique way. Sundance and New York Film Festival favorites, the brothers Kloster are inspired by pop culture, as well as by the people they meet in their daily lives. Their films are fun and innovative short animated documentaries.