In a basement on the Iowa countryside, eccentric collector Mike Zahs makes a remarkable discovery: the showreels of William Franklin Brinton, the man who brought moving pictures to America’s heartland. Among the treasures: rare footage of President Teddy Roosevelt, the first moving images from Burma, a lost relic of magical effects godfather Georges Méliès. The adventure of an unlikely folk hero becomes an ode on living simply and a celebration of dreaming big.
Saving Brinton
Saving Brinton
20th TDF: Greek premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: Tommy Haines
- Script: Andrew Sherburne, Tommy Haines, John Richard
- Cinematography: John Richard, Scott Duncan
- Editing: Tommy Haines, John Richard
- Sound: Brandon Proctor
- Music: Michael Kramer
- Production: Barn Owl Pictures, Bocce Balls Films, Northland Films
- Producers: Andrew Sherburne
- Executive producer: Trish McDonald
- Camera: Scott Duncan
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: USA
- Production Year: 2017
- Duration: 87'
- Contact: Northland Films,
Tommy Haines
2008 Pond Hockey
2013 Gold Fever
2014 Husker Sand
2017 Saving Brinton
Andrew Sherburne
2008 Pond Hockey
2013 Gold Fever
2014 Husker Sand
2017 Saving Brinton