Special Flight

Awaiting their deportation from Swiss territory, immigrants are jailed at the Frambois administrative detention centre. As their request for asylum has failed, they are ordered to leave, some of them after having spent several years in Switzerland, working, paying taxes, and starting a family. Although incarceration may be as long as 18 months, deportation is announced without warning and its implementation is immediate. Behind the closed prison doors, tension builds day by day. On one side there are guards with humanist values, on the other there are men at the end of their journey, defeated by fear and stress. Relations of friendship and hate, respect and repulsion are formed until the announcement of deportation, which cuts like a knife. This relationship ends mostly in distress and humiliation. Those who refuse to leave are handcuffed, tied up and forcibly put on a plane. In this extreme situation, despair has a name: special flight.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Cinematography: Denis Jutzeler
Editing: Karine Sudan
Sound: Christophe Giovannoni, Gabriel Hafner, Francois Musy
Music: Wandifa Njie
Production: Climage
Producers: Fernand Melgar
Co-production: RTS SSR SRG (Switzerland), ARTE GEIE (France)
Format: DigiBeta Color
Production Country: Switzerland
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 103
Contact: Association Climage, Switzerland Stephane Goel, Elise Shubs T. +41 21 648 3561 F. +41 21 646 2787 climage@climage.ch www.climage.ch

Fernand Melgar


1993 Album de famille/Family Album
1998 Classe d’acceuil/Induction Class
2002 Remue-menage/Storm in a C-Cup
2005 Exit – Le droit de mourir/Exit – The Right to Die
2008 La Forteresse/The Fortress
2011 Vol special/Special Flight