Another Take

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02 November 2023
16:00 White Plastic Sky | Műanyag égbolt TONIA MARKETAKI
19:00 A Song Sung Blue | Xiao Bai Chuan MAKEDONIKON
20:00 Sometimes I Think About Dying | Sometimes I Think About Dying FRIDA LIAPPA
03 November 2023
14:00 Oceans Are The Real Continents | Los oceanos son los verdaderos continentes FRIDA LIAPPA
16:00 The Lost Children | Les Enfants Perdus TONIA MARKETAKI
17:00 The Erection of Toribio Bardelli | La Erección de Toribio Bardelli STAVROS TORNES
20:00 It’s Raining in the House | Il pleut dans la maison MAKEDONIKON
23:00 Red Rooms | Les Chambres Rouges STAVROS TORNES
04 November 2023
14:00 The Sweet East | The Sweet East OLYMPION
16:00 Oceans Are The Real Continents | Los oceanos son los verdaderos continentes TONIA MARKETAKI
20:00 The Erection of Toribio Bardelli | La Erección de Toribio Bardelli MAKEDONIKON
23:00 Through the Night | Quitter la nuit FRIDA LIAPPA
05 November 2023
14:00 Here | Here MAKEDONIKON
17:00 The Cage Is Looking for a Bird | Kletka ishet ptitsu FRIDA LIAPPA
17:00 A Song Sung Blue | Xiao Bai Chuan MAKEDONIKON
20:00 Critical Zone | Mantagheye Bohrani FRIDA LIAPPA
06 November 2023
16:00 The Cage Is Looking for a Bird | Kletka ishet ptitsu PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:00 Here | Here PAVLOS ZANNAS
08 November 2023
14:30 If Only I Could Hibernate | Baavgai Bolohson MAKEDONIKON
20:00 Mutt | Mutt MAKEDONIKON
23:00 Sometimes I Think About Dying | Sometimes I Think About Dying FRIDA LIAPPA
09 November 2023
16:00 The Sweet East | The Sweet East JOHN CASSAVETES
10 November 2023
14:30 White Plastic Sky | Műanyag égbolt MAKEDONIKON
16:00 Cafe | Cafe JOHN CASSAVETES
11 November 2023
16:00 Cafe | Cafe PAVLOS ZANNAS
23:00 Mutt | Mutt FRIDA LIAPPA
23:30 Cat Person | Cat Person OLYMPION
12 November 2023
14:00 It’s Raining in the House | Il pleut dans la maison FRIDA LIAPPA
17:00 Through the Night | Quitter la nuit STAVROS TORNES
17:00 The Erection of Toribio Bardelli | La Erección de Toribio Bardelli MAKEDONIKON
23:00 If Only I Could Hibernate | Baavgai Bolohson STAVROS TORNES