Greek Film Festival

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03 November 2022
10:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
10:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
10:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
10:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
10:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
10:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
10:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
10:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
10:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
10:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
10:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
10:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
10:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
10:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
10:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
10:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
10:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
19:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Cactus | Κάκτος JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο JOHN CASSAVETES
04 November 2022
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
10:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
13:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Cactus | Κάκτος JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Daphne | Δάφνη JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 All That Remains | All that remains JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 On Xerxes’ Throne | Στο Θρόνο του Ξέρξη JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Pendulus | Pendulus JOHN CASSAVETES
05 November 2022
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
10:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
13:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 On Xerxes’ Throne | Στο Θρόνο του Ξέρξη JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Pendulus | Pendulus JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Daphne | Δάφνη JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 All That Remains | All that remains JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Medea | Μήδεια JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη JOHN CASSAVETES
06 November 2022
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
10:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
10:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
10:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
13:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 My Friend, Lefterakis | Ο φίλος μου, ο Λευτεράκης PAVLOS ZANNAS
20:00 Reconstruction | Αναπαράσταση OLYMPION
22:00 Under the Lake | Under the Lake JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Trixes | Trixes JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Magma | Magma JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Yama | Γιάμα JOHN CASSAVETES
07 November 2022
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
10:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
13:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 The Engagement | Τ’ αρραβωνιάσματα PAVLOS ZANNAS
19:00 To Each Their Voice: Theo Angelopoulos & Nikos Panayotopoulos | Θόδωρος Αγγελόπουλος – Νίκος Παναγιωτόπουλος: Ο καθένας και η μουσική του JOHN CASSAVETES
19:30 Dodo | Dodo OLYMPION
22:00 Ioanna | Ioanna JOHN CASSAVETES
08 November 2022
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
10:00 Ioanna | Ioanna ONLINE
13:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Magma | Magma JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Yama | Γιάμα JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Under the Lake | Under the Lake JOHN CASSAVETES
13:00 Trixes | Trixes JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Broadway | Broadway JOHN CASSAVETES
17:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 OLYMPION
19:00 Iman | Iman JOHN CASSAVETES
20:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος OLYMPION
22:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem JOHN CASSAVETES
09 November 2022
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Ioanna | Ioanna ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
10:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem ONLINE
10:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 ONLINE
10:00 Iman | Iman ONLINE
13:00 Iman | Iman JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Ioanna | Ioanna JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Travelling Ghosts | Fantasmata tis Epanastasis JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 The Magic Glass | Το μαγικό γυαλί PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 JOHN CASSAVETES
10 November 2022
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Ioanna | Ioanna ONLINE
00:00 Iman | Iman ONLINE
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
00:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
10:00 Travelling Ghosts | Fantasmata tis Epanastasis ONLINE
13:00 Travelling Ghosts | Fantasmata tis Epanastasis JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Purgatory | Καθαρτήριο JOHN CASSAVETES
20:30 On Love | Περί έρωτος PAVLOS ZANNAS
11 November 2022
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Travelling Ghosts | Fantasmata tis Epanastasis ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Ioanna | Ioanna ONLINE
00:00 Iman | Iman ONLINE
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
00:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
10:00 Purgatory | Καθαρτήριο ONLINE
13:00 Purgatory | Καθαρτήριο JOHN CASSAVETES
17:00 Listen | Άκουσέ με OLYMPION
19:00 Behind the Haystacks | Πίσω από τις θημωνιές JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 The Scent of Violets | Το άρωμα της βιολέτας PAVLOS ZANNAS
22:00 Dignity | Me axioprepeia JOHN CASSAVETES
12 November 2022
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
00:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Travelling Ghosts | Fantasmata tis Epanastasis ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Purgatory | Καθαρτήριο ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Ioanna | Ioanna ONLINE
00:00 Iman | Iman ONLINE
10:00 Black Stone | Black Stone ONLINE
10:00 Dignity | Me axioprepeia ONLINE
10:00 Listen | Άκουσέ με ONLINE
16:00 Behind the Haystacks | Πίσω από τις θημωνιές JOHN CASSAVETES
19:00 Black Stone | Black Stone JOHN CASSAVETES
22:00 Listen | Άκουσέ με JOHN CASSAVETES
13 November 2022
00:00 5pm Seaside | 5pm Seaside ONLINE
00:00 Black Stone | Black Stone ONLINE
00:00 Magma | Magma ONLINE
00:00 Medea | Μήδεια ONLINE
00:00 Hussies | Τσουλάκια ONLINE
00:00 Yama | Γιάμα ONLINE
00:00 Misty Line | Θολή γραμμή ONLINE
00:00 Silence 6-9 | Ησυχία 6-9 ONLINE
00:00 Love You More Than Peanut Butter | Love You More Than Peanut Butter ONLINE
00:00 Pendulus | Pendulus ONLINE
00:00 Dignity | Me axioprepeia ONLINE
00:00 Daphne | Δάφνη ONLINE
00:00 Listen | Άκουσέ με ONLINE
00:00 A Νight at the Theater | Μια νύχτα στο θέατρο ONLINE
00:00 All That Remains | All that remains ONLINE
00:00 Trixes | Trixes ONLINE
00:00 Travelling Ghosts | Fantasmata tis Epanastasis ONLINE
00:00 Cavewoman | Cavewoman ONLINE
00:00 Sammer | Σάμμερ ONLINE
00:00 Last Sigh | Τελευταία Πνοή ONLINE
00:00 Purgatory | Καθαρτήριο ONLINE
00:00 It’s a Long Road | Όλα είναι δρόμος ONLINE
00:00 Ioanna | Ioanna ONLINE
00:00 Iman | Iman ONLINE
00:00 Blossoms to Blossoms | Τα άνθη στα άνθη ONLINE
00:00 Cactus | Κάκτος ONLINE
00:00 tokakis or What’s My Name | tokakis or What’s My Name ONLINE
00:00 A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear | A Day in the Life of a Teddy Bear ONLINE
00:00 Paris is in Harlem | Paris is in Harlem ONLINE
00:00 Not Tomorrow | Όχι αύριο ONLINE
00:00 Sun & Shadow | Φωτοευαισθησία ONLINE
00:00 Toxic Magnus | Toxic Magnus ONLINE
13:00 Dignity | Me axioprepeia JOHN CASSAVETES
16:00 Black Stone | Black Stone JOHN CASSAVETES