Making use of the same technique and approach as the unforgettable Loving Vincent, the husband-and-wife directorial duo brings Vladislav Stanislaw Raymond's novel of the same name to the big screen, resulting in a stunning blend of cinema, painting, and animation. More than a hundred painters from four different countries meticulously hand-painted the frames of the film – many of them recreating renowned works of Polish art – which was initially shot with regular actors before the animators took charge. A tale of forbidden erotic passion set in a small rural community in Poland at the beginning of the 20th century, explores the primal connection between humans and nature, the changing of seasons, the lost traditions of a world fading on the horizon, the underlying social transformations, and the nearly allegorical timelessness that defines class and family conflicts.
The Peasants
64th TIFF: Greek Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: DK Welchman, Hugh Welchman
- Script: DK Welchman, Hugh Welchman
- Cinematography: Radosław Ładczuk, Kamil Polak, Szymon Kuriata
- Editing: DK Welchman, Patrycja Piróg, Miki Węcel
- Sound: Michał Jankowski
- Music: Łukasz “L.U.C.” Rostkowski
- Actors: Kamila Urzędowska, Robert Gulaczyk, Mirosław Baka, Sonia Mietielica, Ewa Kasprzyk, Cezary Łukaszewicz, Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Sonia Bohosiewicz
- Production: Chłopi Sp. z o.o., Breakthru Films
- Producers: Sean Bobbitt, Hugh Welchman
- Co-production: Digitalkraft d o.o., Art. Shot vsį, Breakthru Productions Sp. z o.o., Canal + Polska S.A., Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, SKP Ślusarek Kubiak Pieczyk Sp. k.
- Co-producers: Ivan Pribicevic, Jelena Angelovski, Agne Adomene
- Costumes: Katarzyna Lewińska
- Production Design: Elwira Pluta
- Executive producer: Laurie Ubben, Steve Muench, Sita Saviolo, DK Welchman, Kyle Stroud, Tom Ogden
- Make Up: Waldemar Pokromski, Mirosława Wojtczak
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Poland, Serbia, Lithuania
- Production Year: 2023
- Duration: 114'
- Distribution in Greece: Cinobo
- Contact: New Europe Film Sales
- Awards/Distinctions: Crystal Star Elle Award, Chopard Loves Cinema – Chopard & W. Kruk Award 2023, Special Jury Prize, Audience Award – Polish Film Festival (2023)
DK Welchman
DK Welchman is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, awarded the Minister of Culture scholarship for special achievements in painting and graphics 4 times. Upon graduation, DK became interested in film and animation, and directed five short films before her first feature film, the Oscar-nominated Loving Vincent.
2006 Serce na dłonie (short)
2006 Świadek Czasu (documentary)
2017 Chopin’s Drawings (short)
2017 Little Postman (short)
2017 Loving Vincent
2023 The Peasants
2006 Świadek Czasu (documentary)
2017 Chopin’s Drawings (short)
2017 Little Postman (short)
2017 Loving Vincent
2023 The Peasants
Hugh Welchman
Hugh Welchman co-wrote and directed Loving Vincent with his wife DK Welchman (formerly Dorota Kobiela). The film grossed $43 million at the international box office and was nominated at the BAFTAs, Golden Globes, and for an Academy Award. Previously, Hugh won an Oscar for Best Short Animation for producing BreakThru Film’s Peter and the Wolf.
2017 Loving Vincent
2023 The Peasants
2023 The Peasants