

26th TIDF: International Premiere
Yoseli has a tattoo of the Eiffel Tower on her back and has always wanted to travel, but she was arrested at the airport for drug trafficking. Nacho is a trans man who was arrested for swindling and started a rock band in jail. Gentle or rough, blonde or shaved, cis or trans, long-term inmates or newly admitted: in this hybrid musical, they all re-enact their lives in a Buenos Aires prison. Reas is a collective work that reinvents the musical genre: the performers dance and sing about their past in prison, relive their life as fiction, and invent, through fantasy and imagination, a possible future for themselves.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Lola Arias
Script: Lola Arias
Cinematography: Martín Benchimol
Editing: Ana Remon, Jose Goyeneche
Sound: Sofia Straface, Daniel Almada
Music: Ulises Conti
Production: Gema Films, Sutor Kolonko, Mira Films
Producers: Gema Juárez Allen, Clarisa Oliveri, Vadim Jendreyko, Ingmar Trost
Co-production: SWR/ARTE
Costumes: Andy Piffer
Production Design: Ángeles Frinchaboy
Sets: Andy Piffer
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: Argentina, Germany, Switzerland
Production Year: 2024
Duration: 82'
Contact: Luxbox

Lola Arias


2018 Theater of War
2024 Reas