Elefsina is a small, industrial town 20 km west of Athens. As early as prehistoric times, this town has been linked to the ancient Greek's favorite myth, the myth of Demeter, goddess of agricultural and fecundity of the land and her daughter, Persephone. This is where, according to myth, grain crops were first cultivated, and this is where Greece's largest industries were developed, with disastrous consequences for the region and the sanctuary. Eleusis is to the west, a holy land, a point from where one can look both at the world around him and himself.
Mourning Rock
Αγέλαστος πέτρα

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: Filippos Koutsaftis
- Script: Filippos Koutsaftis
- Cinematography: Filippos Koutsaftis
- Editing: Χρόνης Θεοχάρης
- Sound: Belogiannis Charalampidis
- Music: K. Bhta
- Production: Greek Film Centre
- Producers: Filippos Koutsaftis
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Greece
- Production Year: 2000
- Duration: 87'
- Contact: Filippos Koutsaftis (filipposkoutsaftis@gmail.com)
Fillipos Koutsaftis
1987 Modest Goddesses (short)
1988 A Day with Minos (short)
2000 Mourning Rock
2007 To. Ra. Ke. (short)
2015 Hail Arcadia
2023 Zakros
2023 The Eleusinians
1988 A Day with Minos (short)
2000 Mourning Rock
2007 To. Ra. Ke. (short)
2015 Hail Arcadia
2023 Zakros
2023 The Eleusinians