Best Friends

Best Friends

Emine (10) lives in the small town, Pazar, in North East Turkey. Her best friend is Eda Nur (11). There has just been an earthquake 400 km away from where they live. Through the news they learn that many people have died and buildings have collapsed. With the backdrop of fearing the possibility of an earthquake hitting where the girls live, we learn about their friendship and its ups and downs. The girls have to prepare for their first Turkish bagpipe concert. But Emine is jealous of Eda Nur’s skills and that challenges her in keeping up the good friendship. Through the interactions between the two girls, we hope for Emine to acknowledge that she and Eda Nur are good at different things and that she sees the strengths of that in their friendship.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Available at the Agora Market TIDF26.

Direction: Marianne Hougen-Moraga
Script: Marianne Hougen-Moraga
Cinematography: Marianne Hougen-Moraga
Editing: Estephan Wagner, Mik Stampe
Sound: Rune Hansen
Music: Ali Helnwein
Production: Toolbox Film
Producers: Maria Stevnbak Westergren
Co-production: Relation04 Media, Pedersen & Co
Co-producers: Knut Skoglund, Karl Emil Rikardsen
Format: ProRes
Color: Color
Production Country: Denmark, Norway
Production Year: 2023
Duration: 20'
Contact: Autlook Filmsales

Part of the series Kids on the Silk Road.
Suitable for kids over the age of 8.

Marianne Hougen-Moraga


2007 My Mother’s Promise (short)
2010 Little Revolution (short)
2011 Returned (short)
2018 Sea of Sorrow – Sea of Hope (short, co-direction)
2020 Songs of Repression (co-direction)
2023 Best Friends (short)