ΑGORA Docs in Progress: March 9-13
The AGORA Docs in Progress program remains the main event in the region for directors and producers from Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean regions to present their documentary films to buyers, co-producers, festival representatives and sales agents at the stage just before completion.
This year's selection includes 10 projects from 12 countries and engages with deeply personal and political journeys, exploring identity, displacement, resilience, and memory. From the intimate struggles of individuals navigating both physical and emotional borders to the sweeping impact of historical and global forces, these projects capture moments of hope, survival, and transformation, shedding light on the unseen and the often-forgotten.
This year’s AGORA Docs in Progress films are:
Director: Christiana Cheiranagnostaki, Production: Christiana Cheiranagnostaki - Tartaruga Films, Yorgos Tsourgiannis - Horsefly Films, Co-production: Aylin Gökmen - A Vol d'Oiseau, Greece, Switzerland
Director: Christos Karakepelis, Writer: Natasha Segou, Production: Maria Drandaki - Homemade Films, Co-production: Julie Paratian - SISTER Productions, Greece, France
Directors: Elpida Nikou, Rodrigo Hernandez, Production: Yuri Averof, Rea Apostolides - Anemon Productions, Co-production: Maaike Neve, Esther Van Driesum - Bind Film, Victor Ede - Cinephage, Boris Despodov - Arthouse Blockbusters, Greece, Netherlands, France, Bulgaria
Director: Mohammad Reza Azadi, Production: Ali Haider - Filmkhaana, Maaria Sayed - Draw4Films, Mohammad Reza Azadi - Sarv Film, Pakistan, Italy, Iran
Directors: Anna Berkhof, Carlos Mora Fuentes, Production: Carlos Mora Fuentes, Spain
Director: Mia Bendrimia, Production: Kira Simon-Kennedy - Nazar Films, France, Algeria
Director/Writer: Markos Holevas, Production: Leonidas Liambeys - Long Run Productions, Greece
Director: Rati Tsiteladze, Production: Olga Slusareva - ArtWay Film, Georgia
Director: Tanya Vikhreva, Writer: Aleksander Rodionov, Production: Maria Gavrilova - Marx Film GE, Georgia
Director: Ager Oueslati, Production: Raouf Oueslati, Ager Oueslati - Taswir Production, Co-production: Thomas Kaske - Seera Films, Algeria, Germany
Jury Awards:
Independent Awards:
Workshop Tutors