The Hot Month of August

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Script: Socrates Capsaskis
- Cinematography: Dimitris Papaconstantis
- Editing: Dinos Katsouridis, Lakis Antonakos
- Sound: Antonis Samaras
- Music: Sophia Mihalitsi
- Actors: Petros Fyssoun (Makris), Yannis Fertis (Iasonas Philippou), Katerina Vassilakou (Elpida Lyggeri), Minas Christidis (Fokas), Betty Arvaniti (Martha Foka), Stefanos Stratigos (commander), Angelos Antono
- Production: Victoria Capsaski
- Producers: Mihalis Lambrinos
- Make Up: Bella Velentza-Papapetrou
- Format: 35mm B&W
- Production Country: Greece
- Production Year: 1966
- Duration: 90
Socrates Kapsaskis
He was born in Zakynthos in 1928. He studied Film in Paris (IDHEC) and made his directorial debut in 1958. In 1966 he turned his back on directing and sought new outlets for his artistic pursuits One of these was the founding of the “Studio” art house theater, which screened exclusively quality films from all over the world. In the years that followed, he devoted himself more and more to writing. His translation of James Joyce’s Ulysses won him the European Union Translation Prize in 1992. He passed away in 2007.
1958 A Barrel-organ for Life
1959 Love Stories
1959 Liza Ran Away
1961 Love and Tempest
1962 The Bridegrooms of Happiness
1962 Astronauts Fit to Be Tied
1963 The Toreador Advances
1963 Casanova
1964 Thirst for Life
1964 Exotic Vitamins
1964 The Last Temptation
1965 Bitter Life
1965 Come by on the First of the Month
1966 The Hot Month of August
1959 Love Stories
1959 Liza Ran Away
1961 Love and Tempest
1962 The Bridegrooms of Happiness
1962 Astronauts Fit to Be Tied
1963 The Toreador Advances
1963 Casanova
1964 Thirst for Life
1964 Exotic Vitamins
1964 The Last Temptation
1965 Bitter Life
1965 Come by on the First of the Month
1966 The Hot Month of August