Up to the Last Drop: The Secret Water War in Europe

Μέχρι την τελευταία σταγόνα: Ο μυστικός πόλεμος του νερού στην Ευρώπη

Big European cities like Paris and Berlin have taken back public control over water management, rejecting as failed the privatization model they had adopted for years. At the same time the EU, through the Troika, pressures indebted countries to privatize theirs. Between corporate and public interests, lobbies and EU politics, austerity and democracy, Up to the Last Drop unveils the unknown water war in Europe.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Yorgos Avgeropoulos
Script: Yorgos Avgeropoulos
Editing: Vasilis Tsoukalas, Argyris Konstantinidis
Music: Yiannis Paxevanis
Production: Small Planet Productions
Producers: Anastasia Skoubri, Yorgos Avgeropoulos
Camera: Vasilis Mourikis, Yannis Avgeropoulos, Alexis Barzos, Alexis Ekonomidis, Theofilos Dadis, Yiannis Chlebakos
Narration: Yorgos Avgeropoulos
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: Greece, France, Germany
Production Year: 2017
Duration: 59'
Contact: Anastasia Skoubri (Small Planet Productions), Thierry Detaille (Visible Films), info@smallplanet.gr

Yorgos Avgeropoulos