Alki’s Long Walk A cinematic journey through the tumultuous life and prolific works of Greek novelist Alki Zei. A life that encapsulates Greece’s entire 20th century history and writings that have received international acclaim and continue to be honored, touching generation upon generation of readers. The film is based predominantly on the verbal testimonies of Alki Zei, but also on those of her sister, Eleni Kokkou, and her dear friends and fellow travellers, film director Manos Zacharias and poet Titos Patrikios. Screening Schedule No physical screenings scheduled. Script: Margarita Manda, Petros Sevastikoglou Cinematography: Elias Adamis, Dimitris Kasimatis Editing: Ioanna Spiliopoulou Sound: Yannis Antypas Music: Christos Deligiannis Production: Fantasia Optikoakoustiki Ltd Producers: Stella Theodoraki,Thanos Anastopoulos Co-production: ERT SA Co-producers: Margarita Manda, Petros Sevastikoglou Format: Color-B&W Production Country: Greece Production Year: 2017 Duration: 88 Contact: Fantasia Optikoakoustiki Ltd World Premiere Margarita Manda Filmography (selected) 2002 Φύλακες του χρόνου | Guardians of time 2004 νέα Οδησσός – Το χωριό του νερού | Νew Οdessa – The Village of the Lake 2017 Ο μεγάλος περίπατος της Άλκης | Alki’s Long Walk