To Βe or Not to Βe Bagyeli

To Βe or Not to Βe Bagyeli enters the reality of the Bagyeli, a Pygmy tribe living in the rainforest of Cameroon. The life of this community of hunters-gatherers is progressively altered by the arrival of modernity; adoption of agriculture, new sanitary stances, modern education, identity cards, external influences. Capturing the everyday activities of one Bagyeli family, the documentary combines a profound study on this society’s prospects with a poetic, impressionistic portrait of the soul of its people.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Nikos Thomopoulos
Cinematography: Nikos Thomopoulos
Editing: Nikos Thomopoulos
Sound: Nikos Thomopoulos
Producers: Nikos Thomopoulos
Format: DigiBeta Color
Production Country: Greece-France
Production Year: 2010
Duration: 55
Contact: Nikos Thomopoulos Greece

Nikos Thomopoulos


2009 Fly Away (short)
2010 To Βe or Not to Βe Bagyeli