Image Thief

Spyros Staveris makes a living by stealing the image of the “other.” It is an act which is justified
in his conscience, since he shares it generously with us without circumlocutions, alterations or
make-up. Spyros Staveris acts as a mirror, reflecting the image of Greek post-junta society.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Πάνος Α. Θωμαΐδης
Cinematography: Zafiris Epaminondas
Editing: Stelios Tatakis, Yorgos Zarkadas
Music: Nikos Platyrrahos
Production: Path Ltd, with the support of the Thessaloniki’s Museum of Photography
Producers: Thomais I. Thomaidou
Format: HD Color-B&W
Production Country: Greece
Production Year: 2012
Duration: 27
Contact: Path Ltd, Greece Thomais I. Thomaidou

Panos A. Thomaidis


2010 Work Diaries (TV series)
2012 Image Thief (short)
2016 We Are All Citizens
2021 Spetses ’21, History Crossroad