Helen and Haoum

In Cyprus, many Vietnamese women work as housekeepers for elderly people. The film examines these newly-established relationships by following the daily life of two women living together: the elderly Helen from Cyprus and her housekeeper, Haoum from Vietnam. The monotony of their everyday life reveals their different life expectations and their common loneliness.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Evgenios Ioannou
Cinematography: Evgenios Ioannou, Ioannis Ioannou, Anastasis Christou
Editing: Evgenios Ioannou, Nikolas Ilia
Producers: Evgenios Ioannou
Format: Beta SP B&W
Production Country: Cyprus
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 19
Contact: Evgenios Ioannou Cyprus paliatsos@hotmail.com

Evgenios Ioannou


2004 Give me a Root of Darkness and I Will Grow Light (short)
2009 Perfect Square (short)
2011 Helen and haoum (short)