
Krisis [an event that is, or expected to lead to, an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community or entire society], from the Greek word κρίνω, to judge. Krisis: a film about the Greek crisis. Part of the multimedia project The Prism GR2011, it is a collective documentation of Greece during 2010-11 using DSlr cameras. Krisis compiles different viewpoints, exploring the different dimensions of the afflicted nation. The characters are diverse and range from rebel leftist youth groups, to young Greek entrepreneurs, to a young couple abandoning citylife for something simpler on an island, to the troubled journey of immigrants as they attempt to reach Europe. Among the ruins, who are the heroes that emerge from the settling dust?
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Nikos Katsaounis, Nina Maria Paschalidou
Cinematography: Aristomenopoulou, Aristomenopoulos, Biliris, Dimitriadis, Domenikos, Fyssakis, Katsaounis, Kolesidis, Loupas, Merelo, Mihalakis, Moutafis, Panousiadou, Nina Maria Paschalidou, Stefatou, Zavalis
Editing: Thodoris Armaos, Constandinos Tsihritzis
Sound: Nikos Tsines
Music: Spyros Moschoutis, Mihalis Moschoutis
Production: Forest Troop &
Producers: Nikos Katsaounis, Nina Maria Paschalidou
Format: HDCam Color-B&W
Production Country: Greece
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 62
Contact: Films Transit International Inc., Canada Jan Rofekamp

Nikos Katsaounis


2007 Postmodern Times: Toward 2012 (short)
2007 Entheogen: Awakening the DivineWithin

With Nina Maria Paschalidou
2011 Krisis

Nina Maria Paschalidou


With Nikos Katsaounis
2011 Krisis