White Elephant

“Somebody passed by one day: ‘Mama, does the Post really work? If I leave this letter with you, will it ever arrive?’ I told him: ‘Of course it will.’ He started laughing. ‘I know for sure it will never reach its destination.’ ” White Elephant is a documentary about the Central Post Office and its employees in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. This grandiose relic of the colonial past has trapped its employees in a frozen timewarp from which they are planning their escape. From past to present, through the cracks in the walls, and leaks in the ceilings, we glimpse presentday Congo.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Kristof Bilsen
Cinematography: Kristof Bilsen
Editing: Eduardo Serrano
Sound: George Lingford, Xan Marquez Caneda
Music: Jon Wygens
Production: National Film and Television School, UK & Kitchen Sink, UK
Producers: Kristof Bilsen
Format: HDCAM Color
Production Country: UK-Belgium
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 34
Contact: Beaconsfield Studios, UΚ Hemant Sharda T. +44 1494 731 452 F. +44 1494 678 583 festivals@nfts.co.uk
Audience Award - Festival du film Brittannique de Dinard 2011, France

Kristof Bilsen


2005 Three Women (short)
2008 Fez Return-Ticket (short)
2009 Once (short)
2010 The Perfect Belgian (short)
2011 Parallel Lives (short)
2011 The White Elephant (short)