The Young Butler

Jorgelino is a farm worker in the south of Chile. For many years he worked as an agent of the repressive machinery of Pinochet’s regime. Jorgelino was “el Mocito” (the young butler) who brought the cups of coffee in the middle of torture sessions, the one who fed the prisoners and disposed of their bodies. Twenty years later he is being taken to court and forced to remember. El Mocito is a psychological portrait of a human being destroyed by his past. A man who participated in the horrors and crimes of the Pinochet dictatorship, but who today faces his conscience and looks for redemption.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Marcela Said, Jean de Certeau
Cinematography: Arnaldo Rodriguez
Editing: Jean de Certeau
Sound: Erick del Valle, Boris Herrera
Music: Jorge Arriagada
Production: Icalmafilms, Chile T.+56 2 241 9697
Producers: Marcela Said
Format: HDCAM Color
Production Country: Chile
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 70
Contact: Mogador Film, Germany Christoph Thoke Τ. +49 172 891 3466
The Horizonte Prize - Dok.fest 2011, Germany
Jury Prize - FIDOCS 2011, Chile
Jury Prize - FICV Valdivia 2011, Chile

Marcela Said


1999 Valparaiso (short)
2001 I Love Pinochet (short)

Filmography Marcela Said & Jean de Certeau
2006 opus Dei, une croisade silencieuse/
opus Dei, a silent crusade (short)
2011 El Mocito/The young Butler

Jean de Certeau


Marcela Said & Jean de Certeau
2006 Opus Dei, une croisade silencieuse/ Opus Dei, a silent crusade (short)
2011 El Mocito/The Young Butler