
In a small town in Veracruz, clay becomes life and wisdom becomes flight.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Jose Alvarez
Cinematography: Sebastian Hofmann, Pedro Gonzalez Rubio, Fernanda Romandia
Editing: Sebastian Hofmann
Sound: Martin Delgado
Music: Martin Delgado, Tomas Perez, Esteban Juarez Gonzales
Production: Alacran con alas, Mexico
Producers: Mauricio Fabre, Clara Vega
Format: HDCAM Color
Production Country: Mexico
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 65
Contact: Alacran con alas, Mexico Jose Alvarez T. +52 555 585 317 187
European Premiere

Jose Alvarez


1996 El silencio de Sarajevo/The Silence of Sarajevo
2005 Venus
2009 Flores en el desierto/Flowers in the Desert
2011 Canicula