Hitler’s Children

Their family names alone evoke horror: Himmler, Goering, Hoss. Hitler’s Children is a film about the descendants of the most powerful figures in the Nazi regime: men and women who were left a legacy that permanently associates them with one of the greatest crimes in history. What is it like for them to have grown up with a name that immediately conjures images of murder and genocide? How do they cope with the fact that they are Hitler’s children?
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Chanoch Ze’evi
Cinematography: Yoram Millo
Editing: Arik Lahav-Leibovitz
Sound: Tully Chen
Music: Ophir Leibovitz
Production: Maya Productions Ltd., Israel T.+972 9 743 2372 F.+972 9 743 2372 mayapro@netvision.net.il www.hitlerschildren.com & Saxonia Entertainment, Germany
Producers: Chanoch Ze’evi
Co-production: MDR, WDR, SWR, TSR (Germany), Reshet TV (Israel)
Format: DigiBeta Color
Production Country: Israel
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 80
Contact: Cinephil, Israel Philippa Kowarsky T. +972 3 5664129 F. +972 3 5601436 nfo@cinephil.co.il www.cinephil.co.il

Chanoch Ze’evi


1998 The Disappearance of Martin Bormann (short)
2001 On the Frontline (short)
2003 Holocaust: The Next Generation (short)
2006 Ha-haverim shel Nadia/Nadia’s Friends (short)
2011 Yaldey Hitler/Hitler’s Children