
Residents from the ejido (communal land) of Los Cuates de Australia, in Northeast Mexico, perform every year a massive exodus in search of water during the drought. During this self-imposed “exile,” men, women, elders and children wait for the first drops of water which will allow them to return to Los Cuates, a land which, though dry and arid, belongs to them.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Everardo Gonzalez
Cinematography: Everardo Gonzalez
Editing: Felipe Gomez, Clementina Mantellini
Sound: Pablo Tamez
Music: Cantos Cardenches
Production: Cienega DocsSA de CV T.+52 55 5549 6928 www.cienegadocs.com, IMCINE T.+52 55 54485339, promint@imcine.gob.mx www.imcine.gob.mx
Producers: Martha Orozco
Co-production: Foprocine
Format: 35mm Color
Production Country: Mexico
Production Year: 2011
Duration: 84
Contact: Deckert Distribution, Germany Heino Deckert T. +49 341 215 6638 F. +49 341 215 6639 info@deckert-distribution.com www.deckert-distribution.com

Everardo González


2003 La Canción del Pulque| Pulque Song
2007 Los Ladrones Viejos| The Old Thieves
2011 Cuates de Australia| Drought
2011 El Cielo Abierto|The Open Sky
2015 El Paso
2017 La Libertad del Diablo | Devil's Freedom