When Russian armed forces invaded Ukraine, Moldovans raced to the borders to assist refugees, offering warm food, rides, and shelter. At the same time, a group of Moldovan filmmakers formed an ad-hoc film collective to document the unwavering efforts of volunteers and the fate of refugees through multifaceted lenses. Despite these acts of solidarity, a segment of the population's Soviet nostalgia fuels a growing fear that the country could be drawn into the war.
Shadow of War
Umbra Războiului
26th TIDF: World Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
- Direction: The Ad-hoc Film Collective
- Script: Natalia Shaufert, Maxim Cirlan, Dumitrita Pacicovschi
- Cinematography: Nicolae Mafteuta, Doina Romanta Dochitan, Roman Gatcan, Ghena Morosanu, Trofim Gutan, Calin Laur, Ion Gnatiuc, Arcadie Placinta, Mihaela Rusnac, Valentin Rusnac, Veceslav Hincu, Sid Smith, Stanislav Semionov, Bogdan Raba, Tudor Stubei, Toma Panco
- Editing: Denis Bartenev
- Sound: Radu Bostan
- Music: Marta Gincu
- Production: Moldox Association, The Ad-hoc Film Collective
- Producers: Maxim Cirlan, Dumitrita Pacicovschi, Natalia Shaufert
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Moldova
- Production Year: 2024
- Duration: 95'
- Contact: Moldox Association
The Ad-hoc Film Collective
Nicolae Mafteuța, Tatiana Beșliu, Doina Romanța Dochitan, Ghena Moroșanu, Ion Gnatiuc, Mihaela Rusnac, Valentin Rusnac, Pavel Brăila Trofim Guțan, Arcadie Plăcinta, Călin Laur, Toma Panco, Roman Gațcan, Vadim Tristan Belocur, Lucia Tăut, Tudor Stubei, Bogdan Raba
2024 Shadow of War