The Matriarx

The Matriarx

26th TIDF: International Premiere

An immersive VR experience taking the heroine and hero into a world where matriarchal structures have endured. It is a parallel world in which people treat each other based on a different set of societal rules. This has an effect on social, economic, and the political life. Family and love relationships function differently. This experience will attract everyone who is curious about societal change and is a first-timer in VR.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Julia Bruton
Script: Julia Bruton
Sound: Thomas Thurnherr-Hohl / distant relatives
Music: Thomas Thurnherr-Hohl
Production: Sinnema Animation Studio, Arcana Studio
Producers: Julia Bruton, Sean O’Reilly
Sets: Noor Tadjer
Format: 6DOF
Production Country: Germany, Canada
Production Year: 2023
Duration: 12'
Contact: Julia Bruton (

Julia Bruton


2015 Butterflies (series)
2016 Making Off (short)
2023 The Matriarx
2024 Start Up