

26th TIDF: Greek Premiere
In 14th-century Florence, destitute workers of the textile industry, the Ciompi, revolt as a result of the poor working and living conditions, overthrowing the local government. Some hundred years later, in the present day, the same industry’s workers take to the streets once again. Agnès Perrais’ documentary traverses through time aligning two seemingly completely different turning points in History, unveiling correlations and indiscernible commonalities. The film narrates the information and seeks the past’s imprint on the present in a quiet, poetic yet unpretentiously sweeping manner, bringing to light primarily unknown or whitewashed events. In addition to everything it talks about on a first level, which is of great importance, the film also questions some things even more significant; the way humanity records its History, the responsibility of historical memory in regards to the collective experience, and our duty to recall even those events that for someone else they would better be left forgotten.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Available at the Agora Market TIDF26.

Direction: Agnès Perrais
Cinematography: Agnès Perrais, Frédérique Menant
Editing: Marie Bottois, Agnès Perrais
Sound: Marie Bottois
Music: Glenn Marzin
Production: L’image d'après, La surface de dernière diffusion
Producers: Lysa Heurtier Manzanares, Orlane Dumas
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: France
Production Year: 2023
Duration: 83'
Contact: L’image d'après
Awards/Distinctions: Sacem Award - Cinéma du Réel 2023, Grand Prix, Best Cinematography Award - History FF 2023

Agnès Perrais


2014 Tant que nous sommes à bord
2017 Navire (short, co-direction)
2019 Magari!
2021 Marin miroir (short)
2023 Ciompi