Nocturne for a Forest

Nocturno para uma floresta

26th TIDF: Greek Premiere

In the 15th century, in Portugal, a group of monks built a wall around a forest and prevented the entry of women. But the hands of the living cannot control everything: in the invisible world, where night reigns and only souls light up the forest, women have built their kingdom of invisibility, without walls. Combining modern music, historical exploration, contemporary preoccupations, lush nocturnal colors, and a narration mostly rendered as on-screen text, this cinematic gem is deeply aware of the questions regarding gender, authorship, and cancel culture that have emerged in recent years. Strange and disquieting, and with an irreverent wit, the female gaze stages a droll iconoclasm.

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Catarina Vasconcelos
Script: Catarina Vasconcelos
Cinematography: Paulo Menezes
Editing: Francisco Moreira
Sound: Miguel Martins, Miguel Diogo
Production: Primeira Idade
Producers: Pedro Fernandes Duarte
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: Portugal
Production Year: 2023
Duration: 16'
Contact: Portugal Film

Catarina Vasconcelos


2013 Metáfora ou a Tristeza Virada do Avesso (short)
2020 The Metamorphosis of Birds
2023 Nocturne for a Forest (short)