Unaccompanied minor refugees in Greece. Where do they come from; how and why? What are their needs and dreams? Do they go to school like other children of their age? How do they feel there? The crucial question determining their future: “Whose children are these?” The Greek volunteer group “Foster Teachers” contributed with this film to the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY project “Teaching to Hope: Saving the education of refugee teens during and after the pandemic's school shutdowns.”
Agape (Love) is the Most Beautiful Word in Greek: Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Greek Schools
Η αγάπη είναι η πιο όμορφη λέξη στα ελληνικά: ασυνόδευτοι ανήλικοι πρόσφυγες στα ελληνικά σχολεία

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
Available at the Agora Market. |
- Direction: Gina Georgiadou
- Script: Gina Georgiadou
- Cinematography: Stella Delliou
- Editing: Gina Georgiadou
- Sound: Maria Matsiola
- Music: Giorgos Christianakis
- Producers: Olga Kalomenidou, Chionia Georgila, Maria Eleftheriadou, Marilena Zarfdjian
- Format: ProRes
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Greece
- Production Year: 2021
- Duration: 80΄
- Distribution in Greece: Olga Kalomenidou, olgak@sch.gr
- Contact: Olga Kalomenidou, olgak@sch.gr
Gina Georgiadou
2016 Beatbox and Winds – Nicos Diminakis
2016 Ioulita Iliopoulou and George Couroupos Meet the Green Riding Hood (short)
2017 Thessaloniki - A Century from the Great Fire (short)
2018 My Uncle Archimedes (short)
2018 Amalia Zoglopitou - Approaching the Soul (short)
2019 Giorgos Christianakis – A Discreet Music Presence
2020 So Close/So Far (short)
2021 Agape (Love) is the Most Beautiful Word in Greek: Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Greek Schools
2016 Ioulita Iliopoulou and George Couroupos Meet the Green Riding Hood (short)
2017 Thessaloniki - A Century from the Great Fire (short)
2018 My Uncle Archimedes (short)
2018 Amalia Zoglopitou - Approaching the Soul (short)
2019 Giorgos Christianakis – A Discreet Music Presence
2020 So Close/So Far (short)
2021 Agape (Love) is the Most Beautiful Word in Greek: Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Greek Schools