A group of women residents of Cοlonos and Plato Academy in Athens decided along with local writer Thanasis Skroubelos and film director Kate Bello to break the silence. Five women’s monologues, five perspectives of rape.
The Seashell
To kohyli
62nd TIFF: World Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
Available at the Agora Market. |
- Direction: Kate Bello
- Script: Thanasis Skroubelos
- Cinematography: Giannis Sarigiannis
- Editing: Evangelos Katsigiannis
- Sound: Giannis Sarigiannis
- Actors: Angeliki Kroueza, Vasiliki Karachaliou, Alexandra Tsouloucha, Margarita Makarouni, Maria Papagavriil, Eleni Zoumpelkou-Angeli
- Production: Λόφος Κολωνού – Πολιτεία
- Producers: Thanasis Skroumpelos
- Format: DCP
- Color: B&W
- Production Country: Greece
- Production Year: 2021
- Duration: 69'
- Distribution in Greece: Kfilms (Panagiotis Kakavias, kfilms365@gmail.com)
Kate Bello
Κate Bello is the nom de plume of Maria Papagavriil, a special education teacher. She was born in the area of Plato Academy in Athens, in 1989. She studied Classics, Theater, and Cinema in the workshop “Plato’s Politeia” at Kolonos Hill. She has worked as an assistant director.