Identically dressed girls in army uniforms working hard. A matriarchal family. An oligarchic society. What would it look like if humans were to be replaced by bees?
Brutalia, Days of Labour
Brutalia, Days of Labour

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
Available at the Agora Market. |
- Direction: Manolis Mavris
- Script: Manolis Mavris
- Cinematography: Manu Tilinski
- Editing: Thodoris Armaos
- Sound: Alexis Koukias
- Music: Larry Gus
- Actors: Elsa Lekakou, Kora Karvouni, Chara Mata Giannatou
- Production: Avion Films, Stathi Twins
- Producers: Annabelle Aronis, George Tsokopoulos, Mando Stathi, Myrto Stathi, Valérie Bournonville, Joseph Rouschop
- Co-production: Greek Film Center, ΕΚΟΜΕ
- Costumes: Eva Goulakou
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Greece
- Production Year: 2021
- Duration: 26'
- Contact: Radiator Sales,
Manolis Mavris
Manolis Mavris was born in Athens in 1987. He studied Animation in Athens and Visual Communication in London. His short films have premiered in major film festivals such as Cannes, SXSW, BFI & Sarajevo. His work focuses on the concept of heterotopia and explores the boundaries between the real and the imaginary. In 2021, his film Brutalia, days of labour won the Canal+ award at the 60th Semaine de la Critique in Cannes. At the moment, Manolis is developing the script for his debut feature film Liar Man.
2017 Maneki Neko (short)
2018 Skin (short)
2021 Brutalia, εργάσιμες μέρες (short)
2023 Midnight Skin (short)
2018 Skin (short)
2021 Brutalia, εργάσιμες μέρες (short)
2023 Midnight Skin (short)