
Bedridden for years because of muscular dystrophy, and only able to move the fingers of one hand, Stelios Pissis transcends his boundaries. Using the mouse of his computer and with the help of technology, he can compose and orchestrate music. He speaks about the music, his condition and the deeper meaning of life. His mother Aglaia and the singer Maria-Elena also speak about Stelios.
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Script: Costas Kakoyannis, Pabos Kouzalis
Cinematography: Daniel Sparks, Costas Kakoyannis, Pabos Kouzalis
Editing: Costas Kakoyannis, Pabos Kouzalis
Sound: Theodoros Mylonas
Music: Stelios Pissis
Production: Parakentro
Sets: Chryssa Daponte
Format: 35mm Color
Production Country: Greece
Production Year: 2007
Duration: 20

Costas Kakoyannis

Costas Kakoyannis has a diploma in piano, violin, flute, Teaching and Electrical Studies. His postgraduate studies were in the composition of filmmusic at the Eastman School of Music.He has composed music for the ballet, for television series, for the theater and the cinema and has collaborated with M. Cacoyannis, G. Dalaras, Alexia, K. Vetta, D. Papaioannou, M. Hatzigiannis and Johnny Logan. He has made 14 CDs. Along with Pabos Kouzalis they founded the Parakentro cultural center in Lemithos and they have filmed a series of documentaries, video-poems and music videos.

Pabos Kouzalis