

The human species, having succumbed to a self-centered worldview, has denied animals of any capacity for emotion, consciousness or will. A closer glance, though, at a loveable sow (the titular Gunda), two ingenious cows, and a scene-stealing one-legged chicken is all it takes for you to recalibrate your moral approach to animals. A heartwarming documentary that knocks down any suspicion of human uniqueness, reminding us to cherish the inherent value of every life on our planet.


The film is not available online

Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Direction: Victor Kossakovsky
Script: Victor Kossakovsky, Ainara Vera
Cinematography: Egil Haskjold Larsen, Victor Kossakovsky
Editing: Victor Kossakovsky, Ainara Vera
Sound: Alexandr Dudarev
Production: Sant & Usant Production, Louverture Films
Producers: Anita Rehoff Larsen
Co-producers: Joslyn Barnes, Susan Rockefeller
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Production Country: Norway, USA
Production Year: 2020
Duration: 93'
Distribution in Greece: Ama Films
Contact: Cinephil

Victor Kossakovsky


1992 Belovy (doc)
1996 Sereda (doc)
1998 Pavel and Lyalya; (doc short)
2002 Hush! (doc)
2005 Svyato; (short)
2013 Demonstration (doc)
2015 Varicella (doc short)
2018 Aquarela (doc)
2020 Gunda