From a Night Porter’s Point of View

The portrait of a factory porter, a fanatic of strict discipline, who extends his power even into his personal life as he tries to control everybody and everything in the belief that rules are more important than people. “That means,” he says, “that when a man doesn’t obey the rules, you could say he’s a goner. Children also have to conform to the rules and adults who live on this earth, for whom this beautiful world has been created. I reckon you’ve got to have capital punishment. Simply hang them [the culprits]. Publicly. Dozens, hundreds of people would see it.’
Screening Schedule

No physical screenings scheduled.

Cinematography: Witold Stok
Editing: Lidia Zonn
Sound: Wieslawa Dembinska, Michal Zarnecki
Music: Wojciech Kilar
Production: WFDiF (State Feature and Documentary Film Production Studio), Poland
Format: Digibeta Color
Production Country: Poland
Production Year: 1977
Duration: 17
Contact: WFDiF, Poland – Jolanta Galicka T. +48 22 5593409 F. +48 22 8405067

Κrzysztof Kieslowski

Noted film director and scriptwriter Krzysztof Kieslowski was born οn June 27, 1941 in Warsaw. After graduating from the State Film School in Lodz (1968), he worked as a lecturer at film schools in Katowice (Poland), Berlin, Helsinki, and Switzerland. He was a leading director of documentaries, television and feature films from the 1970s to the 1990s. The social and moral themes of contemporary times became the focus of his many significant films and his unique humanist treatment of those themes secured his place as one of the greatest of modern film directors. He was a prominent member of the Polish film generation that defined the so-called “Cinema of Moral Anxiety” – films which tested the limits of Socialist film censorship by drawing sharp contrasts between the individual and the state. Although Krzysztof Kieslowski is mostly known for feature films like the Decalogue, The Double Life of Veronique and the Three Colors trilogy, he has created lesser known, but equally unique documentaries, which, staying true to the philosophy of the rest of his work, reveal the gamut of his anxieties and sensibilities. The famous Polish director died on March 13, 1996 at the age of 55.


1966 Tramwaj/The Tram (short)
1966 Urzad/The Office (doc)
1967 Koncert zyczen/Concert of Requests
1968 Zdjecie/Α Photo (doc, TV)
1969 Ζ miasta Lodzi/From the City of Lodz (short, doc)
1970 Bylem zolnierzem/Ι Was a Soldier (short, doc)
1970 Fabryka/Factory (short, doc)
1971 Przed rajdem/Before the Rally (short, doc)
1972 Robotnicy ’71/Workers ’71: Nothing About Us Without Us (doc)
1972 Gospodarze/The Farmers (doc)
1972 Miedzy Wroclawiem a Zielona Gόra/Between Wroclaw and Zielona Gora (short, doc)
1972 Podstawy ΒΗΡ w kopalni miedzi/The Rudiments of Safety and Hygiene of Work in the Copper Mine (doc)
1972 Refren/Refrain (short, doc)
1973 Murarz/Bricklayer (short, doc)
1973 Przejscie podziemne/Underpass (TV)
1974 Przeswietlenie/Χ-Ray (short, doc)
1974 Pierwsza milosc/First Love (doc, TV)
1975 Personel/The Staff (TV)
1975 Legenda/Legend (short, doc)
1975 Zyciorys/Curriculum Vitae (doc)
1976 Klaps/The Slate/ (short, doc)
1976 Blizna/The Scar/ (TV)
1976 Spokόj/Peace and Quiet (aka The Calm) (TV)
1977 Szpital/The Hospital (short, doc)
1977 Ζ punktu widzenia nocnego portiera/From the Point of View of a Night Porter (short, doc)
1977 Nie wiem/Don’t Know (doc)
1978 Siedem kobiet w rόznym wieku/Seven Women of Different Ages (short, doc)
1979 Amator/Camera Buff (fiction)
1980 Gadajace glowy/Talking Heads (short, doc)
1980 Dworzec/Station (short, doc)
1981 Przypadek/Blind Chance (fiction)
1981 Κrόtki dzien pracy/Α Short Working Day (TV)
1984 Bez konca/No End (fiction)
1987 Κrόtki film o zabijaniu/Α Short Film about Killing (fiction)
1988 Κrόtki film o milosci/Α Short Film about Love (fiction)
1988 Siedem dni w tygodniu/Seven Days a Week (short, doc)
1989 Dekalog/The Decalogue (aka The Ten Commandments) (fiction, TV)
1991 Ρadwόjne zycie Weroniki/The Double Life of Veronique (fiction)
1992 Trzy kolory: Niebieski/Three Colors: Blue (fiction)
1993 Trzy kolory: Bialy/Three Colors: White (fiction)
1994 Trzy kolory: Czerwony/Three Colors: Red (fiction)