TIFF65: World Premiere

Screening Schedule
No physical screenings scheduled. |
Available at the Agora Market TIFF65. |
- Direction: Vladimir Subotic
- Script: Maja Todorovic, Vladimir Subotic
- Cinematography: Vladimir Subotic
- Editing: Aggela Despotidou
- Sound: Nikolas Konstantinou
- Actors: Makis Papadimitriou, Goran Bogdan, Andreas Konstantinou, Peter Okechukwu, Katerina Mavrogeorgi
- Production: Avaton Films
- Producers: Marinos Charalambous, Alexandra Hoesdorff, Désirée Nosbusch, Baptiste Ménage
- Costumes: Elisavet Zacharaki, Christina Lardikou
- Sets: Kiki Pitta
- Make Up: Evi Zafeiropoulou
- Format: DCP
- Color: Color
- Production Country: Greece, Luxembourg
- Production Year: 2024
- Duration: 78'
- Contact: Minerva Pictures (sales@minervapictures.com)
Vladimir Subotic
For the last 20 years, Vladimir Subotic has been working in the film industry, collaborating with many directors such as Roland Emerich on Anonymous, Hal Hartley on Ned Rifle, and others. He has received cinematography awards for Love, Chinatown, and Bedford. The New York Times called his work “exquisite.” Utopolis is his first feature film as a director.
2024 Utopolis